American Journalism has never been shown in such a crude and honest way. With former washed out crack addict, David Carr as the outspoken ring leader of such a highly respected corporation.
This 92 minute film/documentary shows the inside of one of Americas most influential and accomplished newspapers the “New York Times”. Inside this documentary shows the newspaper at one of the most difficult times in potentially its history.“Good riddance to mainstream media”.
However don’t take this film to be just another boring documentary on the demise of the traditional media outlets. This film appears to be different to others as it incorporates vital inside to the “Times” including several important meetings and has a character build up which shows the almost hilarious side to American Journalism.
David Carr, a journalist for the ‘New York Times’ who has a background involving substance abuse and numereous arrests provides a sense of reality to the heavily made up newspaper industry which sees business and professional men dominating much of the industry. In the documentary it shows Carr in a light that is outspoken who goes against the traditional and formal “arrogant” ways a journalist stereotypically reacts to situations involving interviews. Carr systematically adds a lighter touch to the perhaps tedious subject of the demise of the newspaper.
The documentary tells of how the pressure of new media is quickly affecting print journalism. It incorporates how the ‘Times’ is adjusting and incorporating the new media particularly through the use of blogger Brian Stelter who received his job through his popular blog’s development.
As well as the popular and sometimes comical character profiles which is built up throughout the documentary topical themes such as the Wikileaks scandal, The Watergate affair and perhaps more personal for the paper Judith Miller’s controversial pieces on the war in Baghdad. Each of these topics are well covered and backed up with a substantial amount of interviews and evidence makes for an elaborate account in the way the influential paper works in president day surroundings.
I strongly recommend this film to anyone, It shows how modern day American Journalism thrives and sometimes just survives in this strong media powered world.
I strongly recommend this film to anyone, It shows how modern day American Journalism thrives and sometimes just survives in this strong media powered world.
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